Tournament Info

All tournaments are USCF rated events. USCF ID Number required.

Tuesday Night

Classic weekly chess tournament.

Time Controls: G/45 +5 seconds increment. Games normally last about three hours.

Entry Fee: $20

Prizes: 1st place overall 50% of entry fees; 1st Under 1600 wins 30% of entry fees.

Format: Two rounds will be held on each Tuesday. Round one starts at 7:00 p.m. and round two starts 8:45 p.m. Tournaments last for one month each.

Ratings: Dual rated i.e. standard and quick USCF ratings will be affected.

Players: These events are for adults and kids alike. Players of all levels participate — master to beginner.

Please show up before the start time so we can start the rounds on time!

Junior Jousts

Children’s scholastic chess tournament.

Age: 17 and under.

Entry Fee: is $10.

Time control: 15 minutes for each side, i.e. G/15.

Format: The event is a 4 round Swiss.

Rounds: Round 1 begins at 11 a.m.

Prizes: 1st place, $20; 2nd place, $10; and 3rd place, $5.

Qualifying for the Finals: Players qualify for season finals each three months by accumulating five points total throughout the regular season.

Ratings: Event is United States Chess Federation Quick rated.

Rating Limit: Players must have a USCF Quick rating of 1300 or less. Players who surpass 1300 during a Junior Joust season they have already begun will be allowed to finish that season and will be eligible for that season’s finals.

Monday Blitz


4-round Swiss blitz tournament for those with a need for speed.

Time control: G/5+3 second increment.

Prizes: No prizes until further notice.

Entry Fee: Free until further notice.

Ratings: USCF blitz rated.

Starts promptly at 6:00 p.m. on each Monday.

Sunday Classic


Format: One rated G/90 game. Based on who shows up. Not a tournament.
Pairing: Ladder match system, i.e., Player 1 plays Player 2, Player 3 plays Player 4

EF: Free

Prizes: None

Rating limit: Open to all players. Uses your regular USCF rating.